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Super Shows....

R u an AF fan?? demam akademi?? well after watching last weeks concert & performance from the AF 7 students... I totally agree with wat Adlin, one of the pengkritik, commented. This years promises the best of all..

But im not gonna merepek pasal AF hahaha.. R u guys familiar with the Indonesian reality shows??? AFI for intance, the Indonesian version pf Akademi fantasia, Mama Mia etc. Yang siuk is the komentator part!!! I wonder y AKADEMI FANTASIA labelled them as PENGKRITIK?? Well, the para komentator would comment on all aspects, believe it or not, it would take them more than 30 mins juz to comment on one song... & sometimes more than an HOUR!! HAHAHA... Siuk eh

I personally like Super Soulmate, Super Celeb Show, Super Twin, Super Mama and ada lah lagi yg super super.. simply maybe bcoz of the host... Eko Patrio, Ruben Onsu & Ivan Gunawan. Mun durang bari komen wah, baru satu penyanyi kan sejam haha. Ikut lagi durang banyanyi tu. Usually it starts at 8pm wib,9pm tani lah tu & finishes at 2am waktu Berakas & kdg2 telebih sudah, hehehe.. Cant wait... bila tah kan start durang ani... liat saja video dbawah ah...& do cek other videos of them in action... SETERESSSSS BO!!!